The Reading for Change Blueprint
Reading for Change ( is a project by the Geneva hub to help improve integration, foster employability and give access to education to vulnerable groups of our local community.
More specifically, we do this by collecting second-hand technologies such as ebook readers, laptops, MP3-players, mobiles phones and more, uploading them with educational content, and eventually distribute these pre-loaded devices to our partner organizations so that they can use them for specific trainings and courses. This way, we make sure that the devices are put to use in the most effective way. As the devices are donated to us and the educational content is taken from free creative commons licensed sources, our incremental cost for each new device is virtually zero. This means that we can scale up our impact very quickly!
That's why, after the initial success in our local community, we are now scaling Reading for Change globally by partnering with other hubs of the Global Shapers Community. Since our hub has already set up all the IT infrastructure and processes, we want to provide an easy, concise and yet comprehensive blueprint for reapplying the project in all our fellow hubs. We are certain that this combination of rapid local execution and seamless global reproduction can help improve the lives of millions of people around the world. If you'd like to request a copy of the Reading for Change Blueprint or any futher information about this project, please contact us at We hope your hub will find this tool useful to start a great project to help your local community!