Meeting of Waters
Meeting of Water is a Citizen Art collective birthed out of the Geneva Hub, aiming to revitalize the intrinsic values of water and raise concerns about water issues. The collective utilizes artistic methodology to bring awareness to water across cultural and generational boundaries.
Meeting of Water is a Citizen Art collective birthed out of the Geneva Hub, aiming to revitalise the intrinsic values of water and raise concerns about water issues. The collective utilizes artistic methodology to bring awareness to water across cultural and generational boundaries.
Meet the Glaciers. Glaciers are slow-moving rivers of ice that form from an accumulation of snow over many years. Around 10% of the world’s land surface is currently covered by glaciers, which store around 70% of the Earth’s freshwater.
Meet the Oceans. About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth’s water. It breeds the oldest forms of life on the planet and the greatest mysteries to humans.
Meet the Rivers ( work in progress). Rivers carry the freshwater that gives birth to civilization and humanity. We explore rivers through worldly mythology which provides a sense of identity and cultural belonging to individuals and the community.
Lake Clean Up
Bi-monthly lake clean up to remove trash from the shores of Geneva leman lake
Every two months, the Geneva shapers are getting together to clean the shores of the Leman lake. Oftentimes, we partner with local associations such as ASL, Graduate Institute Water Initiative & the environmental committee.
We use an app developed by the Association pour la Sauvegarde du Léman to track types of trash and amount.
Two sessions were held in September and in late October: we removed close to 5500+ pieces of trash, mainly cigarette butts.
Shaping Food Systems
Our hub helped organise a 3-day forum bringing together all actors working on the right to food and food sovereignty issues in the canton of Geneva.
Our hub helped organise a 3-day forum bringing together all actors working on the right to food and food sovereignty issues in the canton of
Geneva. The objective of this forum was to discuss the political implications of the draft law on the right to food and
to support the initiatives aiming to inscribe food sovereignty in the constitution of the canton. We had shapers joigning during the event as the head of the moderation and as experts.
Buddy Program with Aigues Vertes
Buddy program to raise awareness and create cross-generational meet-ups
Setting up a buddy program between students and Aigues Vertes inhabitants to foster inclusion, create cross-generational meet-ups and raise awareness about diversity.
Offsetting carbon emissions by planting trees
Planting trees with Almighty Tree
Aiming at raising awareness among shapers about the biodiversity and how to offset carbon emissions, we planted 50+ trees in a forest near Geneva: Thanks to Almighty Tree, a local organization, we learned about which tree to plant where and how to ensure a symbiosis between all nature inhabitants.
Empowering entrepreneurship
Supporting entrepreneurship and inclusion
Long term collaboration with SINGA INCUBATOR to support entrepreneurship via 6-month program mentoring, need-base masterclass, pitch support etc
Davos Lab Dialogue
Discussing three key topics to shape a better future
Session 1 - Digital Literacy - Régénérer la confiance à l’ère numérique
Amplifiées par l'essor des nouveaux moyens de communication, la désinformation, polarisation et fracture numérique mettent à mal la confiance à l’ère numérique. Ceci d’autant plus au vu des crises tant sanitaires que politiques que nous traversons.
Dans ce premier Davos Lab suisse romand, nous identifierons les éléments nécessaires à une régénération de cette confiance lors de trois sessions simultanées : régulation des contenus en ligne, autodétermination numérique et compétences numériques.
Panelists: Professor Yaniv Benhamou, Geneva University Lening Pedron, ICON president, Kithrona Cerri, Thinking Ahead on Societal Change Director, Andrea Latino, Digital transformation and moderator Mael Azokly.
Session 2 - Future of Politics
Policymakers, and the public sector, face their biggest test in generations. The growing income inequality, concerns of displacements of jobs from the technology-driven innovations tandem with the COVID-19 disruption, and the growing socio-economic and racial inequalities are some of our era-defining moments. The promise of the fourth industrial revolution can only be maximized, or even realized, under a consolidated intergenerational effort. This attempt is needed to solve our problems and collectively work together for our global commons as part of a structured youth-driven recovery plan. The heart of this recovery plan is diversity, equity, inclusion. The growing inequalities - be it gender, racial, class or ethnic - across the world is the tip of the iceberg of what may come if we do not correct for deep-rooted wrongs in the global system. Enabling the voices and leadership of those with lived experiences is key to finding solutions that leave no one behind. Therefore, policymakers and politicians should be the representation of all, not the few. Discussing how to increase diverse civic participation, end austerity measures and fix inadequate social contracts is crucial to formulate the future of politics and government.
Session 3 -Net zero emission
Davos Lab | Suisse romande: les enjeux de la neutralité carbone” est un événement interactif visant à créer des dialogues et des opportunités d’apprentissage au sujet des objectifs, barrières et opportunités liés au bilan carbone genevois. Trois thèmes clés seront abordés par des experts et ouverts au dialogue: les transports publics, les emplois dans les énergies renouvelables, et les possibilités d’engagement pour les jeunes avec les parties prenantes du secteur.
Unfiltered – Future of Work
UNFILTERED is a series of online meetups designed by dynamic change makers for the next generation aimed at shedding light upon the future of work.
UNFILTERED is a series of online meetups designed by dynamic change makers for the next generation aimed at shedding light upon the future of work. It does so by addressing topics ranging from societal change, entre/intrapreneurship and civic engagement, through open discussions, panels, and other interactive formats.
1. The Future of Work via innovation with Caroline Widmer, leading Pulse Incubator, and Nadine Khouzam, working at Facebook.
2. The future of work through Blockchain and crypto with Cyrus Fazel, founder of Swissborg, Alessandro Palombo, Founder of Jar and Sheraz Ahmed, Geneva global shaper and Storm Partners
3. Futur du Travail et Inclusion du Handicap with Michael Jeremiasz, paralympian, Alain Kolly, Directeur Général Adjoint Geneva Hospital and moderated by Sebastian Moser, Geneva global shaper and president of Geneva Swiss Open
Switzerland Gives
Switzerland-wide project aiming at supporting chosen organizations to provide food to those in need. Project to be repeated on an yearly basis.
Humans of Europe, #EUNITE Campaign
Having a local and positive impact is part of the Global Shapers community DNA: we are convinced that sharing messages of solidarity and shared humanity is a way to have such an impact. As a result, we happily took on @Global Shapers Rome challenge to #eunite with over 40 hubs and celebrate Europe.
Having a rather unique place in Europe and LOVING to celebrate, the Geneva shapers decided to celebrate Europe the notion of Europe as a continent on May 5th and the birth of the EU on May 9th, and to make the whole month of May about Europe.
To do so, we asked #TheHumansOfEurope to share their very own stories with the continent.
Discover all the videos and help us spread peace and solidarity.
Cooking for Homeless
In partnership with Geneva’s Accueil de Nuit, shapers complement the homeless’ dinner once a week. Every night they can get soup, bread and tea, and we try to make it just a bit better, with fresh food and good company.
In partnership with Geneva’s Accueil de Nuit, we, together with friends of shapers, cook dinner for homeless people on a weekly basis.
This project highlights the issue of homelessness and the lack of integration.
L'Accueil de Nuit hosts up to 38 guests every night on a first-come, first-served basis and guests can stay up to 10 days.
Refugee Mentoring
A place is not a home until someone is integrated within a community. We are partnering with Hospice General to build lasting relationships with refugees in Geneva, to provide support and guidance as they build a home.
A place is not a home until someone is integrated within a community. We are partnering with Hospice General to build lasting relationships with refugees in Geneva, to provide support and guidance as they build a home. Geneva shapers are paired with interested refugees and meet once a month to connect, play sports, provide support, and to learn from refugees. Shapers and refugees are busy exchanging languages, learning from each other, and building lasting friendships.
Childcare for careers
Childcare for Careers intends to improve gender diversity at executive-level by removing a cause for women leaving careers: expensive childcare. Our aim is to make child care affordable and a competitive hiring advantage by providing a blueprint and supporting Shapers team for companies to support or subsidised local childcare for employees.
Did you know that 84% of parents working for an organization say employer-sponsored childcare is important in their decision to join the company?
Childcare for careers aim to improve gender parity and career development through sustainable and efficient childcare. The mission of the project is to ensure that childcare is affordable and accessible by helping employers see the economic benefits of providing a childcare center. The project is addressing both mothers and fathers, promoting the notion that childcare is a family responsibility.
FinLit - financial literacy
Through the FinLit project, we aim to engage, facilitate and coach youth on financial survival fundamentals. Through this project, the hub sought to help youth develop a mindset for financial preparedness, resilience, and adaptability and reach a minimum level of financial understanding to be able to effectively use everyday financial products and plan their finances for the future. Topics covered: personal budgeting, savings, total net worth, smart investments and much more.
Every year thousands of electronic devices from corporations in Switzerland are becoming obsolete and need to be replaced by newer ones. Unfortunately, the majority of the fully functioning devices are either thrown away or recycled, without being used again before the end of their life cycle.
On the other hand, many non-profit organisations are in need of such devices for their projects or operations but they might not always have connections to companies with spare devices that could be recuperated. The Re-Use programme aims to match the corporate donors and the non-profit organisations in order to increase awareness about e-waste and reduce them.
Did you know that Switzerland ranks among the world's top countries for e-waste?
Large companies are getting rid of their hardware once deemed too old with little recycling, while non-profit organisations seek those exact same devices to provide education, support career development, and nurture communication.
The Re-Use program aims to match corporate donors and non-profit organisations in order to reduce waste and increase awareness about it.