Global Shapers Geneva

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Meeting of Waters

Meeting of Water is a Citizen Art collective birthed out of the Geneva Hub, aiming to revitalise the intrinsic values of water and raise concerns about water issues. The collective utilizes artistic methodology to bring awareness to water across cultural and generational boundaries.

  1. Meet the Glaciers. Glaciers are slow-moving rivers of ice that form from an accumulation of snow over many years. Around 10% of the world’s land surface is currently covered by glaciers, which store around 70% of the Earth’s freshwater.

  2. Meet the Oceans. About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth’s water. It breeds the oldest forms of life on the planet and the greatest mysteries to humans.

  3. Meet the Rivers ( work in progress). Rivers carry the freshwater that gives birth to civilization and humanity. We explore rivers through worldly mythology which provides a sense of identity and cultural belonging to individuals and the community.